Councillor Judy Pruden

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Councillor PrudenThis is my third term as a councillor for the Town of Battleford and I am truly honored to represent the residents of Battleford.  I take this responsibility very seriously and thank everyone for the support this past election.  I think most people know my story, growing up in a big family in Battleford during the 60's/70's.  I am very thankful that once I grew up and got married Tim and I were able to make our home in Battleford and raise our family here.

The past 8 years have gone by so quickly it's hard to believe.  The town achieved numerous upgrades and new build to infrastructure and parks.  The town has been able to keep on track with constant forward movement while managing to keep tax increases to a minimum.  We can now boast that we have outdoor recreational activities for all generations, everything from the pump track to the fitness parks and lots of walking trails past some of the most beautiful scenery in Saskatchewan.  Healthy people make healthy communities, so I encourage you to take part in some of the free and accessible physical activities offered to everyone.

A few of the administrative changes that have been implemented are the Occupational Health and Safety "Mission Zero" focused on keeping our employees safe.  The "TIPPS" program added to the "WIPPS" program which help residents budget for their yearly taxes and monthly utility bills.

My particular interests for the town are safety, history, economic development, growth, fiscal responsibility, transparency and promoting Battleford.  I am a member at large for the Battleford Community Spirit Group: which is dedicated to the residents by hosting events which are free for everyone.  Most notably are the Annual Street Festival and the Lights of Joy and Family Christmas dance.

Going forward, I would like to remind residents that being part of a vibrant community means we all do our part by keeping our utility and tax bills paid up to date.

I like to travel every chance I get to meet and talk with people sharing the information about our great town and bringing back ideas to share with the other members of council.

My vision of Battleford is keeping Battleford an affordable and safe place to live while continuing to be progressive.  Ensuring infrastructure keeps up with growth and that the current services provided to residents and businesses are not lost as we move forward.  We have a rich history in Battleford, we need to continue to create new ways of promoting the community as a tourist destination.  Together we can continue to make Battleford a great place to live, work, invest and own a business.  It is my goal to take responsibility, speak up, ask questions and provide my experience and knowledge to keep the Town progressing forward.