- Educating the public in bylaw issues
- Educating the public about current bylaws
- Working with the citizens of our community
- Providing a safe and healthy community
The expected outcome of the position results in a Town that is beautiful, clean and safe for all with healthy neighborhoods. To achieve this, the PSO will engage the community to review and update existing bylaws, develop new bylaws as needed, and enforce existing bylaws.
For any concerns, please call Town Hall at 306-937-6200.
Frequently Asked Questions
Under what authority can the PSO enter my property?
The provisions respecting enforcement of municipal law begin at Section 362 of The Municipalities Act. This part of the legislation empowers municipalities to inspect suspected contraventions of municipal bylaws and provides them with the ability to access land and order individuals to remedy contraventions.
What are the most common reasons someone may receive a ticket?
Overgrown Grass & Weeds
Untidy and Unsightly Property - any land or buildings that are untidy or unsightly.
Parking - street parking exceeding 72 hours, parking in a handicapped parking stall, parking obstructing the sidewalk or roadway, parked illegally.
Pet - running at large, disturbance by barking excessively, defecating on others' property, and no pet license.
Can I file a complaint anonymously?
You should identify yourself to the Town when filing a complaint. The Town cannot provide your information to anyone else, and any correspondence resulting from the complaint will be addressed from the Town.
How long can I park on the street?
No person shall park a vehicle in any location upon a street for more than 72 hours. If you are concerned about a vehicle that has exceeded its parking limit, please call Town Hall at (306) 937-6200. Make sure to include the vehicle's location, make, model, colour and license plate.
Unattached trailers of any kind cannot be parked on the street for more than 3 hours.
No vehicle or combination of vehicle having an overall length of more than six (6) meters shall be parked on a street in any residential district for more than one (1) hour.
Can I push snow from my driveway onto the street?
It is not acceptable to push snow from private lots onto the street or ditches. Snow that cannot be stockpiled on your lot must be hauled away.
What about back alleys?
Residents are responsible for that alley section adjacent to their property. Back alleys are to be free from debris, yard waste, and other clutter that encourages rodents to shelter. Alleys should also be free of dead or hazardous trees, sharp or dangerous objects, and garbage.
What's the deal with weeds?
Residents are required to maintain weeds and grass on all property, including boulevards and back alleys so that they are not overgrown.
Responsible Pet Ownership
The Animal Control Bylaw contains many provisions to support a community where pets, their owners and neighbors live in unison.
• All cats and dogs over six months old must be licensed.
• Licensed cats and dogs must wear a collar to which is attached a valid license tag or have embedded microchip identification.
• Pet owners are encouraged to have their pet both display a license tag and have embedded microchip identification as each provides a unique advantage – the license tag provides a visible display of ownership while the microchip provides identification if the license tag is lost.
• Failure to license a cat or dog will result in a fine. All fines for other offences are listed in the Bylaw.
• Cats and dogs are not permitted to be at-large. When outside of the owner’s property, pets must be on a leash.
• If a pet defecated on any property other than the owner’s, the pet owner must remove the defecation immediately.
• Pet owners must remove defecation (feces) from their own property regularly in order to prevent unsanitary and unpleasant conditions from developing.
• Pet owners must not allow their cat or dog to bark or howl so as to create a nuisance.
• Aggressive and dangerous behavior is dealt with under the Dangerous Animal Bylaw. In general, it is an offense to own a dog or cat that, without provocation, attacks, bites, injures, or kills a person or domestic animal.