Battleford has been my family’s home for generations. I appreciate its history, its beauty and its people. For these reasons and more, my wife and I have made Battleford our home. Battleford is now home for my two children because Battleford also offers safe, quiet neighbourhoods, clean streets and a river valley that is easily accessible.
Battleford is a hidden gem that is being discovered. Our population is growing with young families and our commercial and industrial sector is also growing. As our society and economy evolve so must Battleford. That is why you will continue to see investment in infrastructure projects that support recreation and public safety in Battleford. As Mayor I will continue to support initiatives for growth in our Commercial and Industrial sectors. We live in a time filled with opportunities: businesses of all shapes and sizes are welcome in our Downtown and Highway Commercial areas. Now is the time to make Saskatchewan and Canada aware that "Battleford is open for business”.
Our province and our nation needs to remember Battleford’s rich History. The North West Territories first capital was here and we need to celebrate our heritage. To do this we are working to create Battleford as a tourism attraction reflecting both our rich history and that of our indigenous neighbors.
With close to two decades on the Battleford Fire Department, 5 years with local chapter of Canadian Ski Patrol and multiple years coaching in the Battlefords, I take pride in giving back to our community. I feel very privileged that the citizens of Battleford have granted me the honor of sitting as Mayor. I feel there is no better way to give back to this wonderful community than being part of the leadership