Property taxes are a primary source of revenue for the town. The municipality raises the required revenue to pay from the cost of services provided by the town such as, operating costs, projects, planning for growth, and infrastructure maintenance and renewal plans. Property taxes are based on the decisions of Council that best benefit the community.
Your tax bill will include both municipal and school taxes. Mayor, Council and Administrators develop the municipal tax rates for our community after receiving the taxable assessment values from the assessment service provider. School Board tax rates are established by the province. The Town collects Educational/School taxes on behalf of the Province and has to pay the Province the Educational taxes. There may also be other special taxes which could affect the total amount of your tax bill.
2025 ASSESSMENT ROLL IS OPENMonday to Friday
8:30am to 4:30pm
March 19 to May 9
Last day to file a formal appeal is May 9.
Property Assessments
Town of Battleford uses an independent agency, Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA), to manage the property assessments. For questions on the assessment on your property, contact SAMA.
Calculating Property Taxes
Property taxes are calculated using the value of the property. This includes both the land and the buildings on it. Typically, tax assessors will value the property every one to five years and charge the owner the appropriate rate following the standards set by the taxing authority. Assessors calculate that value using the mill levy–also called the millage tax–and the assessed property value.
Tax Notice
Every property owner gets a copy of their tax notice mailed to them for information purposes, including those that signed up for the monthly Tax Installment Payment Plan Service (TIPPS) program and those that pay early. If the taxes were prepaid earlier in the year, the balance that was paid would have been an estimate; therefore, there may be a difference that remains outstanding.
The only exception is those that have their taxes paid by their mortgage company. If your mortgage company is paying the taxes, you should not be getting a tax notice. You should contact your mortgage company to confirm they are paying the taxes for you, or you could contact us to confirm that we have the mortgage company on your account.
Once a mortgage company pays the taxes, we will send out a tax notice marked PAID to the owner to show they are paid.
If you have not received your tax notice, contact Town Hall to obtain a copy.
When you purchase a property, adjustment for taxes are made between the vendor and purchaser.
Development Incentives Information
Mortgage Company Payments
Some mortgage companies make tax payments on behalf of their clients. If your mortgage agreement includes property taxes, then the mortgage company is responsible for notifying the tax department. Once they have notified us, we will send a copy of the amount of property taxes owed for the year and you will continue to receive the original Property Assessment.
Receipts are not mailed out unless you request one or unless you pay in person at Town Hall. To request a property tax payment receipt, contact Town Hall.
A discount is applied to prepayments received. See schedule.
2025 |
January |
6% |
February |
4% |
March to August |
Prepayment for the current year will be based on the previous year's tax levy. Discount is on the municipal portion only, no discount is given on school or frontage taxes and full payment must be received, no discount is given on partial payments. Once current year taxes are levied a tax notice will be mailed showing any difference of amount paid.
The deadline to pay taxes is August 31 of the current year unless you are on the pre-authorized payment plan (TIPPS). Payments must be received in our office by the end of the day of the deadline or a penalty will be incurred.
Penalty interest of 1.0% per month compounding is charged on current outstanding balances beginning September 1 to December 1. If there are arrears on the account, then the interest charged is 1.0% per those months compounding.
Penalty interest of 10.0% on taxes that remain unpaid after December 31 of the year that the taxes were levied will be charged January 1.
Tax Arrears and
If you are behind on paying your property taxes, please contact Town Hall at 306-937-6200 to discuss the status of your account and to make payment arrangements.
The Town is obligated by legislation to put liens on tax arrears including all costs associated with that.
Address Change
If you have changed your mailing address contact Town Hall to obtain a copy.
Property Tax Payment Options
You may pay your taxes using the following methods:
TIPPS - (automatic monthly payment withdrawn directly from the customer's bank account)
TIPPS Application (Tax Installment Payment Plan Service)
Online or telephone banking services provided by your Financial Institution.
Account number is required. Ensure all of the numbers are included even if they are zeros, eg: 5023456789
In person at any Financial Institution
In person at Town Hall - cash, cheque or debit (we do not accept credit cards)
Secure drop slot at Town Hall (please include your payment stub with your cheque)
Mail to (please include your payment stub with your cheque):
Town Hall
Box 40 Battleford
SK S0M 0E0
Tax Certificate
If you would like to request a Tax Search ($10) or a Tax Certificate ($25), send your request via email to or fax 306-937-2450.